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Maybe your own town holds one: a folk tale, discredited and in many ways absurd, that nevertheless will not die. Here is a glimpse into one such tale ... and the rare destructive force it happened to carry with it.  

by Kevin MacLeod, incompetech.com. "Virtutes Instrumenti" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Apologies for not getting this tale out to you fine Patreonites a little sooner; it will post to iTunes and such late Wednesday afternoon. 

I'll be turning my attention for a bit to working on new and improved print editions of all these stories, to be spread across a few slimmer volumes and priced as cheaply as Amazon will allow--and of course, we'll do a little raffle just for you folks in order to give away many sets of that whole Knifepoint Horror print library, which will hold everything up through the story presented here. As more stories are created, another additional volume(s) will be published. And hopefully, there'll be a new story for Halloween, naturally.... if you've got any special requests for the print editions, by all means let me know. (Yes, there will be page numbers...!)




Amazing story! Reminds me of the spire in the woods, another amazing story if you haven't read it! I think youd be a fan

Rainfall Vignette

I'm curious, is there a specific MR James story that inspired/influenced the "Spinning Boy" story? This one is probably my favorite, of the programs I've listened to, so far. I'd love to hear more about the concept of how you developed the story, or any insights into it. Thanks!