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Summary of Changes

We added:

  • Added the"Stylize Hair" option in the mirror to access the Custom Hair Progression menu.
  • Added a loading screen when loading the hair progression.
  • Added 3 new hair progressions (more progressions coming soon).
  • Added the ability to choose the hair color when dying hair.
  •  Added Hair Quirks system.
  • Sims can now choose the length of the hair upon getting a haircut.
  • NPC Sims are not affected by hair growth by default.
  • Added customizable hair growth speed options to all Sims under cheats, activate testingcheats and Shift + Click on the Sim.
  • Fixed a game-breaking bug where hair progressions would cause body distortions and genetic anomalies on affected Sims.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the active Sim's portrait to blink every few seconds.
  • Adjusted Nina’s Salon & Spa opening hours to Mo-Sa 09:00-21:00.
  • Fixed a whole lot of other bugs regarding hair progressions

NOTE: Toddlers to Children do not have Custom Hair Progressions yet!

Custom Hair Progression

Organic 0.2 brings in custom hair progression capabilities.  You can access this feature with the Stylize Hair option on mirrors. To uninstall or stop  a Custom Progression, go to this same menu, and choose "Unequip Hair Progression." 

To create a Hair Progression, choose "Create a New Hair Progression" within this UI. This will then open up a new screen to set up everything down to your available Quirk-Buff System. You will need to:

  • Name your Progression
  • Put your name down as the Author so you can share with others and they will know it was made by you
  • Choose your Progression Icon that will show in the Progression listings.
  • And then start picking out the hairstyles you want to see in each Progression State (Short, Medium, and Long). Side note: Be sure you choose the hair with the outfit your Sim is wearing currently. If you switch to a different outfit, it will not save correctly for that Hair State.

Each Hair State will have the required Hairstyle Designation with the optional Quirk Again, you're not required to have Quirks. They just add a little depth to the Progression when enabled. 

Once completed with each Hair State, Save your Hair Progression with the second to last option in the Creation UI. This will produce a custom file for this mod to "see" whenever it is in your mod folder or in someone else's mod folder. It will look like the below. To share your progression, send a copy of the OHP file. That is all they need for the Progression to show as an option in the first menu. 

Quirk System

With this update, enhanced Custom Progressions can have Quirks. This System should influence your Sim's emotions, ambitions, and more. The Game's buff system is really your only limitation in this regard. 

Updated Hair Dying Process

You are now able to choose the hair color you want your Sim to come back with when they go for a Dye Treatment. When you send your Sim for either a Temporary or Permanent Dye, toward the end of the service you will have the option to choose the color you want. 

Updated Haircut Process

In addition to the ability to choose the color you want, you also have the ability to choose the length you want to see you Sim to come back with. Just remember the limitations of going from a long length to a short length while not using a Custom Progression will result in a random style. Going from a Long to Medium or Medium to Short will not result in a random style if cc hair is correctly tagged.

Updated Settings 

Within the debug Sim pie menu (shift+click Sim), you now have the option to set ALL Sims', except for your active household, to have No Hair Growth, Normal Hair Growth, and Fast Hair Growth. Growth on NPCs, if enabled, only occur when they are around your active Sims. That means, even if you choose the Fast Hair Growth their hair may not show any changes if your Sims hasn't been around them in awhile. Automatically, the mod defaults to a Disabled Hair Growth setting.

Do I need to activate this mod for it to work?

No, as soon as you load up a save this hair progression takes place. No action required. 

Does this mod affect the hair of non-active Households?

Your non-active Households' hair will remain maintained without your intervention. You will have to play the Household in order for their hair to grow with this mod. This is to avoid having entire neighborhoods with people with long, hair. 

I have a suggestion on making this mod even more, where do I leave that suggestion?

Please post your suggestions while this mod is in Development, in our Discord channel - #patrons-forum (https://discord.gg/x6bFyNT)

What other features are you looking to add to the addition?

We have a few additions we plan on looking into, which are listed below. However, if there's great interest in this and Patron requests for certain features to be added we will look into adding more in the future. 

  • Fine-tune the Touch-Up mirror interaction
  • Hair Washing Process
  • Hair Treatments and Oils
  • and possibly more

Compatible With: 

Patch 04/07/2020 - PC: / Patch 04/14/2020 - Mac:


  • None so far!



Organic-Hair is currently only available for patrons. Become a patron to get access to the download.



Organic-Hair will be publicly available for non-patrons on July 4th



  •  Checked compatibility with The Sims 4 patch PC: / Mac: (June 4th, 2020) 
  • Fixed a bug where an empty exception would be thrown upon loading the game. 
  • Fixed a bug where custom Whims related to hair progression wouldn't be shown. 


  • Fixed a game-breaking bug where the game wouldn't save after equipping a hair progression. (Save Error Code 0) - IF YOU EXPERIENCED THIS BUG, PLEASE SAVE AT UPLOADING YOUR SAVE BEFORE RE-ENABLING THE HAIR PROGRESSION.




Hi, this looks amazing thank you! I stopped by though to report an issue that started after I installed this mod and by process of elimination it seems to be the cause. I started seeing very strange genetic glitches when aging up babies and my sims appearances were all wrong.. faces distorted, bodies shaped really weird, etc This is a save I've played for 4 generations so I knew right away there was something wrong with how my sims looked. It was even stretching / squishing their features in live mode to where I could see it happening. I repaired my game and made a fresh S4 folder and then eliminated mods until I identified which it was. Thought I should let you know. Curious if this is happening to anyone else...?


Thank you for reporting this. I was able to confirm a thickening in the Sim's body whenever a growth progression happens. We are looking into that. I haven't seen any faces distorted. Is it mainly with the kids and babies?


Hi, yes.. the facial distortion was happening on some of the children that had aged up with the Organic installed. When taking them into CAS they looked really strange and deformed too. I had to manually "fix" them but when back in live mode their faces were morphing and glitchy. I suspect it breaks genetics somehow? Not sure but hope it can be sorted out. LOVE the concept of this mod so thank you!


I just ran a quick test with it installed and after taking my Sim to get her hair dyed, her body shape was all messed up. Plus, it wouldn't allow me to actually change her hair past the normal blonde color. No major issues with it yet, but I'll wait for another update before I play with it more. Love it so far!


Yes, there was a vote earlier this month mentioning fixing the distortion bug. It was voted to wait on the update until we resolve distorations that could occur. We are almost done with this update. Thank you for your patience,


Hello I love the mod its amazing. I'm currently experiencing an issue after I create my own hair progression and I save Ill get a message saying game failed to save error: 0. I was wondering if the custom progression is able to be used yet or am I doing something wrong.


It would seem that I'm working with you in support on this. Thanks for bringing your request over there and sorry for the wait.😊

michela santori

when my sims comes back from dye, she doesn't change the colour of your hair, nothing occurs :(

Sheila Lobert

Is there a tutorial anywhere on exactly how the quirks work? I saw that you can select an existing buff from the game, but from what you've said here, it sound like you can really customize it to do more/different things from the buff you choose, or to at least have different hover texts? Am I wrong?


Yes, you can make each stage of the progression unique. Like if you want the Sim to feel uncomfortable because they don't like the hair length. Or you want them to feel flirty or more confident with a certain style.

Sheila Lobert

I'm sure you are probably aware and working on this, but hair piles still say _________'s hair rather than who's it is. Is it possible to make it so that the vacuum will recognize and pick up hair piles? It would be nice for that object to be more useful. :)


Yes, that is something we haven't been able to work around as it is affected by the game. And yes the vacuum option is something we will consider for the next update. The custom progression took up all our development time for this update.

Sheila Lobert

Understandable! Awesome, thanks! Would there be any reason not to change the tool-tip to just say pick up hair? Also, is it normal to have to disable progression again every time you travel?


I downloaded the version: SimRealist_OrganicHair_0.2.0.0-8.0, and I don't have anny choices more than haircut or colouring. Can you please help me?


Are you talking about the Stylize Hair option on the mirrors? You do not have that? If so, then please over to our Discord Support server with you game version number. I will assist you asap.


We have to establish ownership to add the ickiness of picking up someone else’s hair. Are you talking about disabling custom progression or progression entirely on your Sim? Because the cheat for that applies only to NPCs.

Sheila Lobert

NPCs - I had a sim living in a dorm, and there were hair piles everywhere, so I had my sim clean them all up, disabled progression through the cheat, traveled, came back to the dorm for a little while, started seeing hair piles again, went into the options menu, saw that disable was, once again, an option. Disabled again. Stopped seeing new hair piles. Traveled. Rinse and repeat.