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A new mod project that will introduce the realities of death to the game in a way the Sims has never touched on because it is not a positive experience. However, without this experience, this Sims itself lacks the true depth of a life simulated. 


Once this mod is in-game, your Sim will no longer go straight into an Urn/Tombstone after the Grim Reaper does their thing. In fact, the Grim Reaper will no longer be present in the physical plane, meaning no bargaining to bring a Sim back from the dead. Just the cold, hard truth that the Deceased is no longer with them. 

With that, the Deceased's body will remain until another Sim calls Emergency Services by way of their cellphone in the Household menu with the "Report a Death" option. If you have SNB-Bills in-game as well and the remaining Sims in the household do not have cell service, a Sim nearby in the neighborhood will be pushed to the Deceased's location to call for the family. 

Once the Medical Examiner arrives, he will start taking notes and taking pictures of where the body was found. When finished, the M.E. will put the Deceased in a body bag and send them off to the Morgue for final examinations, at that time the M.E. will ask who should be the Executor to contact once done. Please be sure to click "Yes," if you want to continue with the Mortem process. If not, the body will be taken by the M.E., and your Sim will never get a chance to bury them or say goodbye.

By saying "Yes," you will then select the Executor, who will handle all "Funeral" arrangements. This Executor will drive everything until the very end. From getting a Condolence Visit from their friends (must have at least two friends for this to occur) to getting the call from the M.E. about final examinations being completed, and finally setting up the Memorial Service so that everyone can appropriately grieve or mourn the Deceased Sim. 

After a day or two, the M.E. will call the Executor to let them know that the final examination is complete, and they can call the Funeral Home to make arrangements for either a Burial or Cremation. If you plan on doing a Burial, please be sure to have space on your property to put the tombstone for proper grieving!

Once arrangements are made, it is up to the Executor to set up a Memorial Service by way of a Social Event. This includes receiving the deceased back from the Funeral Home for burial or placed somewhere on the Lot as an Urn once the Funeral is complete, eating food, or fellowship with others who came to pay their respects to the family and honor the Deceased. The entire process allows a Deceased's loved ones to come to terms with the loss of someone they cared for and will miss dearly, resulting in a Peaceful Closure. Failure to complete this goal event will result in Unending Grief. Don't forget to release the Deceased Sim's spirit to the Netherworld, or they will be trapped as a ghost!

Do I need to activate this mod for it to work?

No, as soon as you load up a save, this mod becomes active in that save. No action required. 

What if there is a One Sim Household?

If a Sim should pass and leave no other household members, their body will be placed in a body bag for a passing Sim to call Emergency Services. Or you can load up another Household who knows the Sim and go through the Mortem Process from that Household. 

Is there a Funeral Home Venue with a Cemetery I can use?

Right now we don't have a formal one that the mod recognizes. The only way to experience this at the moment, would be to make one as a Residential Lot with "Funeral Home workers" living on the premises. The Executor will then need to know them so to use their "home" as a place for the Memorial Service. Just be sure to not make one of the "workers" a guest if you plan on making them a Caterer. I will be releasing or making available my temporary Funeral Home with this mod and the Caretaker Household who can fulfill these requirements at some point. 

I have a suggestion on making this mod even more, where do I leave that suggestion?

Please post your suggestions while this mod is in Development, in our Discord channel - #patrons-forum (https://discord.gg/x6bFyNT)

What other features are you looking to add to the addition?

We have a few additions we plan on looking into, which are listed below. However, if there's great interest in this and Patron requests for certain features to be added we will look into adding more in the future. 

  • Morgue and further Compatibility with Sacrificial's Extreme Violence mod for unnatural causes of death.
  • Funeral Home Venue 
  • Estate Management with Last Will and Testament 
  • Bereavement Leave from work and school
  • Life Insurance

Compatible With: 

02/4/2020 - PC: / MAC:


  • Any mod that changes death in some way will be a conflict. However, Sacrificial's Extreme Violence should be fine. The only thing is that there isn't a death animation for those in place, so the deceased Sim will just drop dead, get up for a moment, and then go into a body bag. You will need to click the body bag to do the Emergency Call so the M.E. can come and take the body. Any mass murders within a household won't run as smoothly since you will have to call for each body. And the first Executor selected will be the Executor for all the deceased. 

Changelog: (03/09/20)

  • Fixed a bug where the entire household was able to Call Funeral Home, instead of only the Executor Sim (by @ixam).
  • Fixed a bug where Cats and Dogs would also turn into body bags on death.




or Download with the attachment below.

Mortem will be publicly available for non-patrons on March 28th.




will this work with meaningful stories


Omg was just 👀 for a mod that got rid of the grim reaper and this is way better!!!


am I the only one who doesnt have the "report a death" option?


I had a surprise death by laughter with one of my Sims so I got to test this out earlier than I thought. I loved it, but I have a question about the Memorial Service -- it was crazy long, so I ended it when my Sim was getting ready to pass out but then I never got the tombstone. Should I not have ended it?


Your "Executor" or Host, will receive the tombstone or urn (whichever you paid for with the Funeral Home) after going to the Funeral Service. The Host calls everyone to this rabbithole and when they get back one of those items will appear in their Sim's Inventory. This is a major goal of this event. Once there, you can place your deceased Sim's remains anywhere so that family and friends can grieve. You also have time to chat and eat comfort food at this time. If you achieve a high enough goal, you can end the even to get a satisfactory rating. If you go all the way with a high level of event performance there's a chance your Household will be at "Peace" with the loss. Just watch out if you do poorly.


My sim's dog died and this process happened, but it stopped after they took the body bags. I never received a call about a funeral or memorial service or about a final examination, or get any option to do this. Not sure if it was because they were pets.... And where do I find or make the funeral home?


Pets are not supposed to have a full funeral service but immediately go to an urn. We will fix this and get this mod updated for that before release.


okay so somebody died in my sims bakery and now the body was in her inventory I called to report the body but nothing happens.


We can confirm that death on a non-home lot with this mod installed should work correctly. If you are having issues getting through to the Service, use cheat code `mt.me.refresh`to restart the phone Service and call again. Please do not call multiple times. Just call once and wait a moment if nothing occurs, the system is trying to find an available ME and one might not be available at that time. In this case, try the cheat code mentioned.


I love the idea of this mod. I did run into a few issues though: Go to funeral didn't work in a city penthouse. I got the error saying I needed a front door. The closure buff was only added to the sim that started the event, not to the others in that household that were invited to the event (they were children, so maybe that's the problem?). And what I would like is to get invited to a funeral when a sim my sim knows died. For example when playing with the child of an elder sim that had moved out, and then the parent dies.


I had thought I responded to this yesterday but I guess it never saved. I asked whether the penthouse was labeled as an Apartment or something else? Also do you have the door locked for everyone except for the household? We do plan on adding the ability to be invited to the Funeral of those your Sim knows with the Funeral Home + Cemetery addition.


It was the penthouse in san myshuno and the door wasn't locked. All the guests could come in just fine. But penthouses don't have a front door, but an elevator to get in and out of the house. Awesome! I look forward to that update :)


I love this mod but mine keeps glitching out. First it was ending the event too early for the memorial services. Now I can't get the Sim in charge of the memorial service to come home from the funeral with the urn. I'm wondering if it might be glitching out because my sim lives in an apartment? Without the urn he can't even grieve the loved one, so that's a bit sad! (I see someone else had a problem with a penthouse in San Myshuno, so maybe that's the issue)


I tested out this mod in a Penthouse with the latest version and I'm not having any issues going to the Funeral. Please continue this on our Discord Patreon Support channel for further support. I should note that we are looking into an issue with Flerb's Automatic Sunburn since this mod has a death included. To connect your Patreon membership to Discord to gain access to our Patreon channels for support following these instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role


Hmmm...which Lot? Because I tried the most expensive and even had a front door.


It's this one: https://i.postimg.cc/5tvpsNRx/3.png (I've got the Dutch version of the sims, so I don't know how this lot is called in your game)


That one has a front door. There's a door with a small lobby in the middle with a trash can and mailbox. Did you somehow delete that entry?


Yes I did, I bulldozed the lot and build something else there. But I couldn't set any door as front door. Any idea how I can fix that?


so one of my sim died and everything went fine until I had to announce if the simmer was to be buried or burned .. then I could do nothing? I could only say ok and then I had no other options anywhere ..


I believe I resolved this for you on Discord. Thanks for posting your support request there! 😊


Hi really do love this mod and the idea of it . But I have had multiple sims die in multiple lots and I have not received any condolence visits(sim has many friends) not has the ME called after two days . I have played with some families for 7 days and still nothing. I really would love to get to the actual funeral . Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks!!


When you say multiple, do you mean all at once or you had deaths evenly spaced out? Also do you have any mods that touch death? It could be as small as Flerb's automatic sunburn mod that causes Cancer.


I deleted all my other death mods. Evenly spaced out deaths . I have a mod that they can smokes cigarettes or cigars and it may cause cancer


May I suggest you try this mod with just SR mods and an exception reporting mod? You may have something that needs to be updated or may conflict with this mod. For further support, please post a request on our Discord. Linking your patronage can be found in your membership settings.


Ok thank you


I am not seeing the report a death option on the phone and one of my sims has died. Can someone help me with this?


Please head over to our Discord support on this matter. I should not while I'm here, that this option isn't available for EV deaths. You have to click the body bag to call the ME then.

Sarra Yanacek

Odd question, if I don't report the death does the dead body just remain on the lot? Is it an object that can be moved or added to inventory like the urn/tombstone?


Reporting a death brings an ME to come take the body to prepare it for burial.


does life tradiegies conflict?


No. As long as it has been ok'd with the latest patch, you are able to use it with this mod just fine.


how do i get the mortem objects it doesnt show in my game do i have to download