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one morning, as I was trying to force myself out of bed despite being borderline catatonic, all of a sudden my half-asleep brain gave me an extremely high-concept idea

i wont mince words i fucking LOVE this. anyway im gonna turn this into a sequence where he first gets TF'd, then deflated and boxed up - or alternatively "married" off to Ganon or Zelda or something, which might honestly be a bit more of an involved undertaking but still

ALSO im not gonna render any lineart this time around and tbh I think I might start phasing lineart out entirely

some of y'all might have already noticed but some of my recent work has been basically just colored-in sketches and there's a good reason for that - lineart is fucking exhausting. I've been timing myself and I've realized I can literally draw an entire sketch in less time than it takes to line it, it's enormously time-consuming and boring.

I've also noticed a lot of my sketches have been outperforming my fully rendered work and i think part of the reason is that people are naturally drawn to their dynamic, "natural" lines - they just have a lot of active energy that is very easy to lose in the lineart stage. 

So yeah, gonna be focusing on cleaning up my sketches rather than drawing entirely new lineart layers for a bit, see how things pan out.




Your lineart and rendering is always super good but don't stress yourself over it! Your sketches are still freaking awesome 😎