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Hello darling!

Hope you're doing well today. You may hear it in my voice, I have a little cold going on right now, and am just trying to take it easy. I had some spoonfuls of honey, and I have more tea ready to go today, so I'm just sort of chilling out and taking care of myself. I am getting some good writing and notes which is nice as it's something I can do while comfortably snuggling the dog. 

I am so very excited about the typewriter I picked up this past weekend, and I'm going to do a bit of work on it to hopefully get it cleaned up and really working. Thinking of some possible asmr'ish content, and some typewriter content potentially...what do you think? Lemme know!

Anyways, hope you have such a lovely day darling! 


-Smutty 💖




Hope you get well soon, love the typewriter. Was working the weekend but we had flooding with roads closed so that was fun getting to work. Still on track for October....


Anything with the typewriter sounds like it would be great fun! I remember biting eyes and a mouth into my bologna as a kid. That was fun! Who could forget that song and the Weiner song. 😏💖 I hope you get plenty of rest and get well soon! 💕


Good morning Sunshine! I’m sorry to hear you’re under the weather today…. And I’m impressed that you still managed to create a greeting for the day! Well done! Your Bologna song reminded me of when I re-wrote the words to that ditty… My clone, he has a first name. It’s O-s-c-a-r. My clone, he has a second name, It’s M-a-y-e-r. I love to clone me every day, And if you ask me “why?, I’ll say… Oscar Mayer has a way, Manipulating D-N-A. Which leads me to an idea for an audio…. Waking up next to your clone for the first time, finding them attractive and having sex with them…. Or you and your clone sharing your partner… Or you wake up to your partner and their new clone… Just a thought… I hope you feel better soon! Enjoy your day!


Noo! Our poor Smutty's under the weather! 😓 I hope it doesn't last more than this week and you can get back to streaming like you wanted. What a great find for such an adorable typewriter! Im proud of you for taking care of it, my typewriter would've been very grateful for you as an owner. Cant wait to see, or I guess hear, what you do with it. 😉🤭 Thank you for being my first advertisement of the day 🤣 Oscar Mayer would be proud. Ive been pretty busy with family since this weekend so Im sorry for the late tuning-in of this. Drink lots of water, get lots of rest, with some gozer cuddles ofcourse, because you deserve it and need it! ❤️‍🩹💖