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Good morning Darling!

Hope you're doing well this fine Friday. It is a dreary sort of rainy day here, prefect for hanging out inside with my pupper and cuddling and stuff (I've been watching that show "Sex Education" lately and LOVE IT!). 

I'm excited about the weekend and hopefully some good reading and writing that may happen. I do have a couple plans with friends and food I think, but mostly this weekend is a go with the flow sort of weekend, and I'm here for it. 

Hope you have such a good day. 

Much love darlings,

-Smutty 💖




The giggle at the end is so fucking adorable I might explode! 🤯That’s so awesome that you are getting a typewriter and I love the idea of using in a hypnosis. Nothing too crazy this weekend. I’m feeling a little punchy and perky today 😜. Hope you have lovely relaxing weekend! Oh and Sex Education fucking rules!


Good morning! It is such a delight, waking up to the velvet caress of your sweet and sultry voice! Thank-you! I wish you well in your typewriter purchase! If it doesn’t work out, let me know. I’m certain I have one stored around here that I’d be willing to donate to the cause. I hope that you and Gozer have wonderful day all cuddled up and out of the rain. One of my favorite things to do in dreary weather, is lounging on the couch with my dogs (Cody & Coco Puff) while working on a project or watching a movie. Sending you lots of warm fuzzies!


Legit though, all pieces of writing are built off a single prompt and then as it grows as a concept entire sentences can change, and its cool as fuck to just sit and watch as it just takes shape and becomes its own thing ^_^ my oldest friend is the feel of a pencil's scratching friction over the smooth surface of paper. And it sounds so cozy over there! This weekend im gunna be kicking it off with some friday night magic, saturday imma be smashing monsties in the server vc with iskar, and yeah, its a pretty good weekend ^_^ See ya around Smutty ^_^