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Good morning darling!

Hope you're doing well this fine Thursday. I started off trying to inhale my morning glass of water and slowly fall into a bit of madness 😂

Hope your start of the day is going better than mine! I am super excited about all the little projects I'm working on, but starting to recognize I need to focus on ONE of them to start actually getting any of them done. But it is National Lazy day, so who knows 😉🤭

Anyways, I'm gonna hop to it, and I hope you have a lovely day darling. Thank you for being here, and i hope you enjoy s'more chat this morning 😋

Much love,

-Smutty 💖🥰🍫




That was the sexiest description of a s'more I've ever heard. Putting a Reese's in the middle is far superior over plain Hershey's.😋 I was planning on being productive today, but rain + national lazy day.. idk now. (Plus I got this VHS tape of Over the Garage Wall and I really want to watch it. Yes I'm a big nerd) Happy Friday Eve! I hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend! 💕


This just confirms my theory that you could read a cook book or dictionary and make it sexy. I went to go tell my wife about the Reese’s thing and she said she does that as well. A lazy day sounds great and exactly what I need…maybe I’ll build some stuff in the server. Have a great day and a wonderful Friday Eve! Drown those frogs 🐸!


Oh my god I could play my copy of Land Before Time again!!!!


Well.. I wasn't planning on crying today,but ok


Aww...you and Jungle are adorable. I too have a player back home at my parents I think...and a copy of Land Before Time (and a bunch of other animated movies for sure). I'm glad you enjoyed my s'more talk 😉😏😋


Haha! Thank you, and perhaps I need to start reading cookbooks for people 😏 You know...to gain more interest in cooking! (It was so long after I recorded my audio I was like "what did the frogs do?!" 😆 derp)