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Hello darling and happy Humpday to you!

I was feeling a little silly this morning as I read some random facts about Gray Whales. You're welcome for the information I put onto you. 😂

As far as books I enjoy, the King Killer series (hoping for the 3rd at some point). I enjoyed the book The Help, and one of my favorite books I read a few times growing up was Too Kill a Mockingbird. 

Anyways, hope you have a whale of a day 🐋🐳😂 (Daddy Smutty is way too amused today).

Much love darling,

-Smutty 🥰💝




Robert A. Heinlein wrote a science fiction series called Future History and the one book that I still love is called Time Enough for Love.


Wait someone said your morning greetings were predictable?! What?! They are wrong…but if it keeps getting us content like this I guess that it’s ok XD