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Good morning darling!

I'm not quite with it yet, and still a little groggy. I think I will have second sleep today. It's Grab some Nuts Day, so you know what to do! Listen carefully as I educate you on nuts 😏😘

I have a few things I must get done today, but the weekend looks like a kind of chill one right now (which I am very much looking forward to!). I hope you have such a good day, darling.

Much love,

-Smutty 💖🥜




Not me sitting here with a 3lb can of nuts (it's like 3/4 empty 😆) Happy nut day! 🥜 Not the be confused with St Knuts day. 🤭 I also love a good IPA. All Day IPA baybeee. Happy Friday Eve! I hope you get some second sleep today.💕


You're the best smutty! Looking forward to the new file, I loved the last collaboration with Ultra :) thx for posting amazing files consistently, you're always a highlight of my day.


Lol...OMG ST KNUTS DAY!!! I forgot all about that hilarity! Enjoy your nuts, and IPA darling! I definitely had more sleep 🤭🥰