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Good morning darling!

Hope you've been doing well while I've been out of town. I'm very happy to be home and a night of sleeping in my own bed felt very, very good.

I missed the "vitamin D joke" 😂 pardon my fuzzy brain. 

Anyways, I'm feeling like these next few weeks will be me hitting the grindstone and getting some work done. I've been up to my eyeballs in obligations but I think that's starting to simmer a little (hopefully!)

I'm so pumped to get some stuff done. Anyways, enjoy August 1st, I'll be your girlfriend today if you need one (platonic or romantic 😏). See you Humpday!

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🥰

1:30 PM EDIT: I took out some petty "bitching about stuff" words in the body of this text...I realize so much feedback I get is positive, and I need to focus less on negative! I get moody in the morning 😂 I love you all.


Lachlan Parker

Which base are you planning on touching, exactly? 😏 Even if they were stale, you're going out of your way to engage with your small community in ways that don't do anything for your content at all. You do it because you enjoy the banter, conversations, and jokes that arise from something as simple as the occasional greeting message. So don't stop unless it becomes un-enjoyable, at least for you. 😉👍


I am glad you are back and had a good time. When I feel sick, I tend to take a quart of orange juice and work on it all day a long with water. Even I know the ability of that special significant other. I sure know I could use someone as special as that friend that be the girl that shines in my eyes. <3 hope you have an awsome time doing your thing.


I'm going to focus on all the huge amounts of positive from now on! Everyone is so freaking nice, and I was nitpicking, I feel better now (no longer morning grumpy). Thank you for being a lamb! 🥰


I do have some juice, and I've been pushing the fluids just in case, but I hope I'm just in the clear! Also, you're so sweet 🥰 Thank you and I hope you have a lovely day!