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Hello darling!

Hope you're doing well this fine Tuesday. I had a busy weekend, but I definitely took it nice and easy since my voice was kind of in pain. I'm feeling much better this week after lots of tea and honey and rest, so hopefully getting back to some good work. 

The word I said was "cheer" not "chew" too hard 😆 I listened back and realized I mumbled through the word and it made me giggle to think that chewing too hard would be an issue. 

Happy birthday season Leo's! Hope it's a lovely one. I will do the 70's terrible horoscope sometime in the near future. I'm feeling very pensive today for some reason, but I really do need to get a hop on things! Had to drop the car off at the mechanic yesterday so hopefully that will be good to go today, keep your fingers crossed! 

Hope you take a few moments to sit and think about something today, I know I will 🤭 

Alright, have such a good day darling. 

Much love,

-Smutty 🥰💖 




Good morning Smutty! Yeah I also believe its good to just do nothing sometimes. There is a great ted talk on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Yvq-g7_Y Have a great day!


Merry Christmas in July! Really enjoyed Deep Thoughts with Smutty and I now have a new appreciation for lines :). Hope you have a really great day!


Oh I do love lines, it's a little silly. Perhaps I enjoy others suffering a little bit too 😂 Hope you have a great day also!


Yes! I've seen this video before (I think you probably shared it months ago on Discord) and when I first watched it I was like "yeah!" I love just doing nothing sometimes, and it does help my mental aptitude.


Glad you are better!! A sore throat can lead me to be bed ridden. Telling the mind to kick back and relax can be tricky. Breathing exercises work, or listen to a nice audio piece and just let your voice guide me for a bit.


My voice has been driving me nuts! I am looking forward to next week and the week after when my schedule is a bit more relaxed and I can have a little more downtime 😆 Hope you have a great day! 🥰