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Hello darlings,

I didn't do a morning greeting today because I have a bit of a sore voice. I think it's just vocal strain from this week coupled with lack of sleep (hopefully not sick!), but I'm going to take it easy today and this weekend, and perhaps be okay for next week! All else is well enough though. Happy Friday! 

You have anything good going on this weekend?

I have a baseball game to go to tomorrow (I promise I won't cheer too hard 😆) And then some race event I will go watch Sunday with some friends, nice and busy! I'll do some writing I think, but I hate not recording! 😂 

I hope you have such a lovely Friday, my sweet. Be well 🥰


Smutty 💝🥰💖


Edward Paegle

Rest that sweet and sexy voice Baby!! Your new files are literally the most incredible ever! 😘❤️ How funny is it that I am extremely picky on who I will allow to trance with and that Fiona was the first that I allowed in and realised that this really works. So HOT 🔥!! Please do the clicker for me with your voice!! Happy Weekend Mistress Smutty!! 😍


Tea and honey….maybe a little whiskey in it to make it fun 😜. Enjoy your weekend it sounds like a lot of fun. You deserve it, and you deserve the rest so make sure to get plenty of it!


Some home brewed iced tea with mint and honey! It's pretty delish, not gonna lie. Thank you Max! Hope you have a great weekend! 😊


I hope the throat gets better quickly and that you have a fun weekend with a great game and all :)


Your body is telling you that you need the rest. Take all the time that you need sweetie! You deserve it! I hope you have a great weekend. 💕


Eyy no worries. Rest well, Smutty, and have a fun weekend! ^_^


Thank you Sasha! It's been a good weekend and I'm feeling better today for sure. 🥰


I have been working on resting my voice! It's so hard because I'm a giggly vocal person 😆 Today is better though, so I think I'm on the right path! 🥰 Hope you're having a great weekend!