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Good morning darling! 

Hope your Tuesday fairs you well. I have a few little errands I need to get done today (like a great quest for food, huzzah!). 

I really enjoyed reading about World Listening Day and am going to carry that listener's energy today. I am going to listen to things and people around me and try and reconnect a little with my environment (something I didn't fully do when I recorded today's greeting without turning off my AC) 🤭

What are you listening to lately? Anything that gives you that nice frisson feeling? Mmm...I love listening. 🥰

Hope you have a great Tuesday darling.

Much love,

-Smutty 💖




good morning smutty!!!!


Good Morning! Haha yeah I probably also have a voice kink. Sound of rain is awesome. Especially if your going to sleep. Wind blowing through the trees and water going down a stream is also pretty dope sounds. Music is nice. I also like audio roleplays and audio-books. Have a great day Smutty!


Listening so much that the world listen sounds like a made up word. I love listening to the sounds of nature, to other people's conversations in public, podcasts and audio books, and of course people with great voices. I wish you luck on your food quest journey! Have a great Tuesday! 💕


Happiest of Tuesdays Smutty! I always enjoy a good thunderstorm and downpour, the quiet stillness that comes from falling snow, a calm piano piece, and loud crazy death metal and alternative rock. But I think what I enjoy listening to most are peoples stories. Hope you have a spectacular day and a successful quest! Always remember your favorite color and the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow!


I also love listening. It's part of the reason why I buy really nice headphones- i practically live through my ears. The sound of heavy rain on rooftops is also quite lovely. I could go on and on. And, i think sounds might be amplified in foggy weather. I have no proof of this, but it does stand to reason cause water does help carry sound. Might only be a thing underwater. But yeah. I'm definitely here because you're always lovely to listen to. Good luck on your food quest, Smutty!


Sometimes the best feeling is being heard, in that the person hears what you are saying and the emotion behind it as well. I have a love for music, whatever is on the radio you might just catch me dancing or nodding to the beat. That beat sometimes keeps on a good high where I feel free to do what is needed. If you listen to nature, you can see what is going on in your area. Wind, rain, what have you. If it is silent then the animals are trying to be cool or warm. So much that earth is telling us if we listen. Just close the eyes and listen.


I love lamp! ;)


Absolutely! I agree with all of this, and i too bop along without realizing it a lot 🤭


I do love the odd feeling sound has in fog, I wonder 🤔 Ooh! Underwater sounds are amazing too! 😍


That sound snow makes when it packs in underfoot is amazing too 😍 I love some winter sounds. Wood stove crackle! (swallow 😏🤣 thank you yes)


Nature sounds coupled with nature smells. The sound of brush underfoot and that forest smell of dried pine needles 🥰


Voices are the best 🥰 Ooh I do love leaves in wind and water flowing. Lovely. You have a great day too Dannit 🥰


Dried pine needles is my favorite smell! Ugh so good