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Good morning darling!

Happy Tattoo day and Emoji day 🥳

Hope you had a good weekend and are ready to get to this week! I am excited for this week and things being back to normal. I did have such a good visit with my girlfriend, we had a very good visit. I am making plans for this coming week and hopefully playing a bit of catch up. 

What did you do this past weekend? Any good plans for this week? I hope you're doing well 🥰

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🥰🚂




I got this week off, so I can rest up. I aim to get some much needed shoes and some other stuff. Also lots of time to re center myself. Glad you had a great time with your girlfriend, that is always good.


Ooh! That sounds like a very lovely week. I hope you find some good things to bring you calm, and I love shoes so I'm living a little vicarious there 🤭😍