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Hello darlings! Here is the version of "Brainwashed by my voice" audio I put out a few days ago! 

The original link without sound effects: https://www.patreon.com/posts/f4a-brainwashed-76986395

Hope you enjoy this version. I added some music with some binaural beats! 

Much love darlings

-Smutty 💝


[F4A] You Belong To Me [brainwash] [hypnosis] [binaural beats] [post hypnotic suggestion] [no wake]

Hello Darlings! Patreon (18+) : https://www.patreon.com/smutgrrl Please consider supporting me on Patreon. You Tube has a way of demonetizing people, and I am not going to monetize the end of this particular video so no ads should pop up once it finishes (since there is no wake command you could I like it to fade off without an ad). I love making these audios and videos, and everyone who joins my Patreon is supporting the heck out of my endeavors. I appreciate you all 🥰 I hope you all had such lovely holidays. Happy New Year to everyone! As you may or may not have noticed, I took a few weeks off from YouTube for myself, and I had such a lovely time. That being said, it felt so flipping good to make this file! Consent: This audio is about me owning you (forever). I suggest you draw an "S" on yourself, and that you will feel pleasure doing so. I suggest that I will control your thoughts, and that you are merely my instrument to play. There is no wake up command for this audio, so be careful to listen when you have some down time so you can relax afterwards as you come back up out of trance naturally.  Tags: [seductive] [robotic] [submit] [obey] [instrument] [follow] [belong to me] [ownership] [post hypnotic suggestions] [robotic] [triggers] [snap-mms] [soft voice] [penetrate your mind] [no wakener] [sink don't think] [fall for smutty] [pleasure] [binaural beats] All of my audios will wear off naturally over time, and it is important to remember that if there is an instruction, or suggestion, I make in the audio that doesn't work for you, your mind may simply choose to ignore that, and it's okay if it does! I really just want you to have such a good time as I give you commands and make you feel owned. I hope you enjoy 😘 Much Love, Smutty 💖🖤💖 PS: I think you are just so loverly 💞 PPS: For the tea party... If you are new to the Tea Party: Part 1: https://youtu.be/C40J56-R-_g "The Voice of Lucid Dreams" Part 5: Absence of light. Dark is something that is sometimes construed as evil, or depressing, or some other sinister thing. But this, is not how you feel. Somehow wrapped up entirely, you are fairly certain you are within the grasp of one very large Dream Giantess Goddesses’ whatever-she-may Be’s hand. The smell of oranges and honeysuckle tickle at your nose and you hear her make sighing sweet tones. Muffled, a melodic “Now, what should I do with you, pray tell?” The warmth from her hand is alluring. Between that, and the smells, you feel immediately cozy and safe. Is it possible to sleep within a dream? You wonder to yourself, but just sink further into the darkness. You simply cannot be bothered anymore to worry about anything. You stretch your limbs, and extend each of your tiny little fingers inside of her cave of a hand. You reach out and can feel the ridges of her skin, so you run your hand along the inside of her palm, extracting a delightful little giggle out of the giantess’ mouth. It vibrates from her chest to her hand, and it feels pleasant all around you, so you keep letting your hands roam amongst the topography of her palm. A small opening appears above you, and you coil into yourself, retracting your hands as you cover your eyes from the brilliant yellow light that is shining down. “Oh, sorry” she laughs deeply. You glance up at the bright light just in time to see the brightness of one very large eye. It blinks, long lashes pushing a breeze against you, and when it opens again the light is so much more bearable, and is now a deep midnight purple-blue color. You stare into it mystified as it bounces quickly back and forth, taking in the full sight of your small, trembling body. “Look at me” she rumbles through fingers. You brace yourself and relax slightly, moving your head towards the slightly menacing eye above you. The word transfixed does not adequately describe what happens in that moment. Entire galaxies of stars, and space, and universes seem to be floating within that asteroid hyalosis* of an eye. “What do you see human?” she whispers, making the tiny hairs all over your body stand on full alert. The colors and twinkling lights swirl and move in a hypnotic way as you contemplate just how big that eye is. She repeats her question slightly louder, and the honeysuckle smell carries on her breath. It’s a soft summer evening with wind in the grass smell. You breathe in deeply. “Everything” your voice is calmer than you expected. You breathe in, and out. “I see, everything.” Another rumble of a chuckle from somewhere deep within her and then simply she says “Good, keep watching” and so you do. TBC *Asteroid hyalosis is an eye condition in which a buildup of fat, or lipids can occur within the gel like structure called the vitreous inside of an eye. It can make photographing a retina difficult (I know from experience) 😉💖✨ but it looks sort of pretty, like little sparkles inside of an eye. It often causes no problems (maybe for eye doctors to see you) 🤭



is this too much to wish for... its heaven


I love being brainwashed 🧡


Awesome! I was waiting for this version!!!

Alan Yes

I love listening again and again and again!


Gotta agree with Alan's latest comment, I really enjoy listening everytime I get a chance to. I keep writing the S on the same spot, and it makes me feel so good everytime I look at it. I loved the beats in the background, and the echo at the end was a nice touch to the audio, like those words were echoed in a never ending tunnel and kept on going, and going, and going, just like how far down I dropped for you. Thank you, Miss Smutty!


Ooh! I'm so glad you've been enjoying this file...I loved seeing the "S's" people wrote and took pics of in Discord 🤭🤩


I lost count of how many times I listened. I had it playing on a loop when I went to sleep and woke up with it still going. You got deep-deep up in there Miss Smutty. Sheesh! 😅 Love the addition of the “S”. Another pleasure-inducing masterpiece


mmm...thank you 😘