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Hey baby,

So though I've been out of commission for the last week (boo!) due to sickness...I was feeling a lot better today so, despite my terrible voice, I figured I'd at least put it to use while I've got a good bass going on 😅

This may not be for everyone, and if you get icked out by someone who has a cold (not covid I took a test!)...don't listen...

But! If you like comforting me any time, knowing the risks you take...I say: live dangerously, give it a try!

Also I did send out a message to the winner for June 2022's "Pick Smutty's next theme for an audio!" This month's winner is vt!  Congrats darling!  This month's theme is going to be a sort of "evil hypnosis" where I make you addicted to my voice 😈 Something I enjoy anyways 😅

Thank you, my darling patrons, for being so amazing. <3 


Smutty 💖😊




Also for safety reasons: Don't rub vaporub on your penis...unless you want to have a bad time! (Or vagina...no vaporub on your genitals please!) 😂


The day Wick Vaporup lost the status of innocent child memory... :-D Also: I really feel better during sex, when I'm ill... but worse afterwards... so I need to not have sex, when I'm ill or never stop having sex till I'm healthy again. ;-) Thx for the sexy audio :*


Lol! I vote never stop till you’re well! 😂 glad you enjoyed…sorry for ruining innocence (😏)