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Just a silly little sketch. I hadn't drawn Rose in a bit and kinda was in a drawing kinky gear kind of mood. I hope that's not a bother for most of you. Rose seems to be in good spirits about it.

Hey all, I had a surprisingly good week for new Patrons and stuff. And all I'd been posting on twitter were cute Psyduck pics. I hope you're not surprised by the amount (or disappointed at the lack of) more kink centric pictures on here.

That said, I wanted to thank you all for giving my patreon a try. Hope you enjoy it. And lemme know if you've got any comments or questions, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks again! And have a good weekend.




obviously you need to draw more Psyduck!

Ruffled Wrenaissance

Hey there, wanted to take a moment to say may you create what you enjoy; whether it be psyducks, kinks, or anything else so long as you're comfortable with it c: It's kinda a cliché, though just know your art is heckin' stellar, consistently improving, and a source of inspiration for others. This world is rough, it's important to remind people they're appreciated - keep on keepin' on, okay?


Kinky, vanilla, doesn’t matter to me. I just like cute girls, your style, and cute girls in your style. Simple as.


Draw what makes you happy, even if it's Psyduck in bondage gear.