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The Amazing World of Gumball is one of the prettiest cartoons on television right now. It's willingness to play with different styles and techniques in animation is held together by deft palettes and powerful use of lighting. It helps that it's also really funny at times.

In other news, I'm going to be moving out of my apartment over the next month. I've got the luxury to make this a gradual move instead of a one day thing. And I'm gonna start today. The worst thing I've gotta move is my library of comic books, which is pretty ridiculous now that I look at it. Some of it was inherited, most of it was bought. But I have to admit, probably less than half of it has been read.

I'm kind of a "pleaser" when I go to comic-cons. I like to look at lots of books and pick up ones I can see people put a lot of effort and love into. (as long as they're in my price range anyway.) But after the con, I never make the time to read them. It's left me with a prodigious backlog of things I'd like to check on and people I'd like to contact again.

Anyway, apart from the move, I've got to work on the comic page tonight. The goal is definitely to get it out there before the weekend is up. I'm rather well on the way but it can still be pretty tight.



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