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First things first, I gotta welcome a bunch of new patreons who came on yesterday and today! I dunno what got you guys on board but thank you. Hope you're seeing something you like.

One note about this page, I completely slipped up Left and Right a lot. During my drawing process I like to flip horizontal a lot, so I can make sure things look stable or anatomy looks pretty good. But this gives me a lot of problems in terms of remembering which hand is which on the drawing. So there might be some significant things to redraw in here.

There's a bunch wrong in terms of panel 5!

Everyone's using the wrong hands! Theira has been shown shooting left handed before. Farring and Maddy should be right handed but they're drawing with their left. And worse their uniforms are drawn wrong!

Part of it, is that I needed them on the left hand side of the frame so that they "appear first" in terms of the reading order. It's useful because Dr Botz has the retort in the panel, and is surprised at their sudden appearance. I like having the front of the uniforms face the reader when possible.

Still, I have to admit this was mostly a mistake on my part, because as I was drawing them, I had flipped the canvas horizontally and added details when they were on the right side of the page.

Sometimes, I'd leave notes for myself in the rough layouts just showing which side is right or left. In this instance, I made a mistake. I'll probably keep their general stances but I'll see what I can change in order to make their uniforms correct.

For the record, Cassiopeia herself is canon ambidextrous.



Philip D Jones

Left-right I really don't care. Readers who comment on that have too little to do. Next time you are fretting about composition think of Leonardo's Last Supper. "OK guys, let's all get around on one side of the table so we can have our picture painted."