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This is the most purple I've used in a single page, ever.

I've been thinking about my patreon, and it's of course really been useful and really allowed me a lot of nice things in life. But it's admittedly, something where the more I use it the less I think I should expect to "rely" on it.

It places a monthly burden on you guys to support me, and I'm happy to have you guys who can but after a point I'm realizing I'm having a few people who've sent me hundreds of dollars over the course of two years. Thank you guys so much, but whatever I do it can hardly repay each of you that have stuck around.

I hope the continued stream of art and projects has made you guys happy to have me around. Without that support, there'd sure be a lot less of this out there.




Glad to.


To quote the Red Green: "We're all in this together." Also, I love that overhead shot in the first panel, and the expression in the last one.


Hey, thank you for sharing this. I didn't know the Miss-Melee comic and I've just read through all of it. Cool stuff. Nice page you did here.

Philip D Jones

I am happy to support your Patreon just for the joy of the art you give us. No need for further rewards. Thank you.