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I really want that bag.

Anyway, I can say that Pretty Julie Technomancer is being more honestly worked on this past week than in the past few months of idling. It's not that the story isn't high on my list of things to do, it's appropriating time to settle down and do the hard work of laying out ideas into a cogent thought.

I'm currently experimenting with just writing it down as prose, fairly stream of conscience style. I wouldn't be able to sell it as a novel or anything but if I settle down and do more of it, it should be a way to organize ideas without having to worry about the visual composition just yet.

(some odd little bug is keeping me from changing the link to the patreon drop box. So the link to the high res box from last month should work just fine. I'll change it soon as I can. But for now, sleep.)




I do so love her constant exasperation.