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Hey so I think you guys might be tired of me saying thank you so I'll say it one more time. Thanks everyone who joined in. It's been really nice to have you all come on board. But now with that out of the way, it's another early Monday morning and I've gotta prep some posts to go up for the week.

I really liked how this first pic came out, (which was actually the second pic in this set) and I wanted to add a couple alternates. There isn't too much to say about it though. It's got a nice punky vibe. I really like tights underneath shorts though I'm worried everyone's doing that now in their character designs. It's not gonna stop me though.

I think this might be an Ashley drawing though her hair's quite different here. She let it grow out to go with her college rock band persona. Which MIGHT BE A THING now? I dunno. It probably won't remain canon, whatever the canon is for these loosely defined characters.




Don't worry about thanking new patrons, it shows how down to earth you are. C: But yeah though, leggings/yoga pants with short shorts is like, cute, sexy, and one heck of an aesthetic all in one. Got one of my characters with that on her design sheet.

Space Robot

Nobody has a trademark on shorts and tights, so do it all you like.