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It's a few of your guys's kinks, that's for sure.

You guys remember the opening to Ghost in the Shell, where the cyborg body is being taking through the process of being formed. And then it goes through the liquid layer which is to become the cyborg's skin? That scene definitely left an impression on a young Psudonym.

I think when it's a dark black latex/oil here, that turns it from a serene scene to something slightly scary. But it's also appealing too. I'm not going to try to explain the many layers of kinks that go into this sort of thing. But being scary and being sexy have a long history together. But it doesn't always express itself in the same way for people.

Watchful eyes here will spot the "bat ears" I added to the top but I think this is more in canon with the "Material Girl" tests I did before. It is after all, just another layer of materials on her.

If you want a spooky "bat" drawing mixed in with this sorta kink, well I put one in the high res drop box. I'm a bit... hesitant to post it on the daily feed. I might put it in a cropped form.




The excess dripping off is a very nice touch. I wonder if there is a buffing or detailed evaluation process after this to remove the excess and make sure the covering is within spec. The rough art is a nice touch in that you can recall the GitS opening and easily transfer over to this. Much appreciated! I always imagine the 'skin' is a derivative of todays laser UV sensitive Poly that is used in rapid prototyping, just adopted to solidify to spec on contact with the air (or I guess the nitrogen in it since Nitro-fixing is a thing). near future things are awesome! FTR, the one in the drop box is smokin. 100% NSFW, 101% awesome. very recommended


Heh, interesting way of looking at it. These days I'd associate such pitch black with some form of strength, whether that is physical strength, dexterity, discipline, durability or stealth. Though strength is scary when turned against oneself. I'd also judge this far more soft nsfw. Very pinup like and suggestive though