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Okay, so I am in some kinda depressive funk. Brellom said I should just post so I'm gonna do that. Not every post needs to be my life story, I guess. Cya next time.



Buck Caldwell

Fuck depression. I've been fighting it since I could read (literally). Pretty girls in skimpy clothing help sometimes. Especially if it helps you feel productive and appreciated. And I certainly appreciate your pretty girls.


Hope the asshats in the old projects thread didn't get in your head.

Jak of Sol

I only hope for the best to you.


Not every post needs to be your life story, but if you need to get some stuff out there, go ahead and post your life's story. We're here, man.


This is advice I tend to give myself when I'm in that depressed state, and some times it actually helps, and I know it doesn't necessarily mean it'll work for you but here goes: You just need to bite the bullet, get over it and do what you have to do.


Take care of yourself, Psu