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Sorry I'd been out of it. Been out of the country and now back for... just about 9 days now. And I spent a lot of those sick with a fever I got near the end of the trip. And I hadn't been good about getting myself better. I came home to a lot of things to take care of and it became too much at times, I just ended up doing nothing except stressing and vaguely recovering.

I'm going to TRY to make it up to you guys and get messages to the patrons that have dropped for various reasons. In the meanwhile, I'll get back to posting regularly. I've gotten back into drawing, slowly. I've still got some rough bits with health and the place is still a mess.




Psu, focus on your health and well being first. C: we'll stick around here for ya.

Philip D Jones

All you owe us is taking care of yourself. We love you and we want you healthy.

Jak of Sol

Yea Psu, you can't metaphorically heal a broken leg by walking on it. You should focus on you, take it easy.


Hope you feel better soon Psu! You're artwork is fantastic and wonderful, sure, but if you don't take care of yourself the fantastic and wonderful mind that makes it wouldn't be there to make more!

Jeff Grey

Travel can do that to you for sure. I just got back from visiting family and brought a bad head cold with me. I'm pretty sure I just picked it up from the airport though.