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I think the counter on the right is how many yoga floor bridge extensions she can do in this situation.

So like... I'm probably gonna just post a bunch of kinky nsfw stuff for the next week as I might not have the chance to do a lot of it in the coming weeks. Hopefully everyone is cool with that. Cocolette sure seems like it.

I kinda originally imagined her being a sweet girl, but then my kinky nature took over and put her in this situation. However, unlike Colette, this lady seems to be a bit more "into" these scenarios. Good, cause she might find herself in a lot of them.




She's a really cute design and got to love a gal with that kind of expression when the fun gear & outfit stuff comes out! :)

Buck Caldwell

I really do agree that a bound person should look like they're enjoying the binding. I get that some people enjoy pain, but for me a smile (or other sign of enjoyment) brings the experience to a higher level as the rope artist. (Also, purely personal, I like the realistic bust size. A lot of artists go overboard.)


Oh my :D