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It's been a while since I've posted a kinky pic. I admit, I don't know how much time to myself I'll have on my upcoming trip so I might not get that many chances to post more of these. That said, I'm doing my best to make sure that I can even post at all!

Anyway, here's Alfred. He might not get it. He might not even like it! But he'll support your eccentric hobbies the best way he knows how.




Honestly, if anyone is going to judge the kids, I doubt it'd be Alfred. :tries to imagine what it was like financing/arranging/etc. all of Bruce's early travel and training: XD


Alfred is the best bro. He doesn't judge, he just helps you get better at whatever you're tryin' to do. And something tells me Cass might rather like feeling accepted and unjudged for this. XD


Brilliant :D