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So I'm like a billion years late to the program, but to be fair to me the first few episodes of Steven Universe aren't the best. But the last three that I just saw from the first season were really good!

I don't have too much to add here but it's always fun trying to use my style with characters that definitely don't fit my style. I try to find the elements of their face that are unique to that universe, and then apply those notes to how I draw. And I hope it comes out legible as that person.




Oh goodness! They came out do awesome!

Jeff Grey

A lot of people say "Just skip the first season except for the finale," and I don't agree with that as I think the show gets its act together and has some very good episodes before that. One thing that I think is definitely there though is that in the first season before the metaplot gets going the show has a very different feel to it. Some people prefer that to the show from season 2 onwards, actually. I remember I had an idea to put together a list of what season 1 episodes were "important" in terms of plot/worldbuilding vs which ones I thought were actually good, but never posted it anywhere.


it's not HARD to get through the first few episodes but the show doesn't quite reveal why it's a special show until much later. I'm not complaining though.