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Okay so like... this blew up on twitter. I've been valuing twitter a bit more than my other social media presences these days because even though it's a bit of a virulent hellscape of horrible people, it's probably the most "relevant" in the wide world in terms of reaching audiences. Also the fact that I post more than just my gallery of stuff there can make it an interesting challenge.

Anyway, this is based off an older sketch I did a while back. I liked it a lot back then but it was too extreme a transformation and scarring than I usually use for Colette. She shares all the basic Colette traits but then goes a little further. It wasn't until I imagined up a new setting that the character design would fit.

It's very possible that I'll be exploring more of this setting in the near future. It gets to pull from my post apocalypse fancies and my cyborg fantasies that I'd be crazy not to try it just for the sake of fun.




Honestly I like both Coletes. Would be fun if you could find a way to make both work. I imagined a weird science post apocalypse where Gunmetal Collette gets to watch Regular Collette's misadventures somehow, but instead of feeling sorry for herself it pushes her to keep going and keep fighting regardless of what limbs she loses or how much it hurts.

Mason Dunne

Giant robut butt busting hands!


That kind of alternate universe time dimension jump would be fun. But it would only really work one way. Apocalypse Gunmetal Colette can appear in Regular Colette's world, basically like Cable coming to warn the Xmen of the dark future. But Regular Colette jumping into Gunmetal World would only work as a lark from Regular Hero Colette's perspective, not something that would appear in Gunmetal stories. It's a neat thought though.