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I would like to come up with more puns.

Sorry that this isn't technically new but for those of you not following my nsfw tumblr, it will be. Now for a little spiel on some things I've learned a bit more about. "Topping from the Bottom."

In reality there are a lot of codes of conduct of good behavior in kinky roleplay. Not being in that scene myself, in actuality, I have to learn a lot of it second hand. "Topping from the Bottom" where the person supposed to be in the submissive role attempts to take control of the situation seems to be a subject of debate but it can be considered bad form.

So when I drew Odessa the other day, even if I find the story telling rather cute, it could be considered bad conduct with more professional kinksters. I can couch the story in that both characters were simply unsuited to their assigned roles, and that's something that I think can easily be cleared up with good communication afterwards.

And in this kinky verse, I imagine both characters are nothing if not very good communicators. They were just unaccustomed to their positions!



Buck Caldwell

Having orbited the edges of the scene, I can guarantee you that the Bottom has all the power in a proper DS relationship. You will never see someone as contrite as a Top who has just been given the safeword by a new Bottom. However, you are correct in that attempting to steer or control the outcome of a scene by the Bottom is considered bad form. It's just that, as in every other relationship, good communication is the key. As long as the Top doesn't go outside a boundary set by the Bottom, everyone should have a good time. That's the whole goal.


Communication is the heart of everything. Sometimes roles can be more fluid by design of the partners because they've communicated that they are open to the possibility of changing positions during play. However, both partners have to know each other well and communicate well in order to keep someone from being hurt emotionally or physically. There is also debate if this is really "topping from the bottom" or just the top and bottom roles being more complex, or the fun just having more "narrative" than usual. As an example, a partner who's usually the top (A) will challenge the bottom (B) to take on the top role, and from the beginning claim that B cannot maintain control and that they will escape bonds and traps and "overthrow" B, finishing things in the usual spot as top. Possibly, B will struggle in the top role, losing control bit by bit as a form of foreplay until "failing to top" and then A takes control, using B's "failure" as a focal point of the ensuing fun. OR, B might do a good job and ease A into an actual submissive role, at which point the reversal of typical roles could become a focal point of the fun. As you can see its complex, and probably should be reserved for partners who can read each other well. Talking through each step of the situation throughout the "narrative", even if it becomes cheesy dialogue, is key to making sure it doesn't turn into an actual fight or just going bad. For someone who is a switch it can be very satisfying, as sometimes a specific part of play might bring out either a submissive or dominant side and having a means to swing to one side or the other by design can help deal with that. Still, the other partner has to be just as flexible with that as well, bringing the whole thing back to good communication again.


Thank you both for discussing that. It's a subject I'd like to know more about but I imagine like most social scenarios it just requires a bit of good communication to settle. I like some of the scenarios you've setup. It's a little difficult to get that across in small pinups but it's something worth considering if I were to revisit that other piece.