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I swear there's probably an actually really entertaining story that can go with this image if someone were to write it. ANYWAY, I want to keep discussing the next generation of "sketch commission" tier. At the moment Patreon has no way to automatically cycle so patrons can get their drawing next. I'm going to have to do it myself. In the previous post, ( https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1519965 ) I discussed in the comments one option about reducing the price significantly and extending the list of eligible patrons and then just cycling through them each in turn with at least 8 processed a month. I rather like this idea, but unfortunately it has a glaring flaw in that if the list of people in that tier grows to more than 16 then the wait times increase to over two months. And if even if you're paying half per month of what you're paying now then it would still increase far too much. But the base idea has merit, and can be expanded in the future according to how many of these commissions I can do in a month. The idea would be to reduce the price tag of the tier to 15 dollars a month. Increase the total number of people who can be eligible to 16. I should be able to grandfather in people who're currently in that slot or above it already. So basically, you would be paying 30 per sketch commission. (full disclosure that's what I was expecting to increase the price to as well) There is still the possibility of sketch card or tiny commissions to open up as well. But that may or may not be a tier.




If you go through with this, I best hope you have a way of tracking who got there's and who hasn't. Changing the price technically makes things cheaper, but now will be every other month. Personally, I'd rather pay 30 and get the monthly as usual. But alas, it's all up to you in the end, mate. Am interested in the tiny/sketch card idea though.

Space Robot

I admit I like the once a month thing... but I say that as someone who managed to get the slot. Objectively though I know this isn't quite fair to the rest of the audience to, and a bimonthly arrangement is still regular enough. I'm quite fine with a price increase as well, especially now that assorted holiday expenses are out of the way. Really, as long as it's never a random selection thing like a lot of Patreon artists do it will work out. As someone with interminable bad luck those sort of setups always leave a bad taste in my mouth. :(


Or, another idea you could do is hold em sort of like comission slots, where as soon as the transfer goes through you remove everyone from the teir and start the whole thing fresh before the new month?