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So you know how I keep on saying I need to reform how I do sketch commissions? Two things. One, I tend to do a number of them far exceeding what people normally call a sketch. And two, though it's no fault of their only a few people ever really got a chance at getting a sketch commission. I'm considering a number of things, including a limit on how many months in a row you can get a sketch commission or trying to find a way to get more sketch commissions out there. I originally intended folks to just eventually spend their money elsewhere but it seems people like my art! Who knew!?! So maybe the best and "fairest" option is to make there be an upper limit to two in a row or something. Maybe even just ONE at a time. And then that person gets bumped down after. Ideally, right after they've been off a month or so, they can try and get another through the usual if somewhat messy means of scrambling to get the first slot that opens up. There doesn't seem to be a way to make such a process easy in Patreon. And it requires a number of folks to play "fair." This isn't really any of your faults though, it's just something that hasn't been totally thought though from the Patreon's beginning. I totally did expect you guys to eventually stop paying the high tier! What a fool!




sound good to me


I'm glad that you've finally brought this up, twas something Ive been thinking about for awhile. One thing you could do is lower the amount to say 10 or 15 but make it an unlimited amount of supporters and one a month you pick 8, do their commission then continue every month after until everyone is covered, then start the pool all over again. That way you can raise more and more than the same eight peoe a month can get commissions. And if the price was slightly lower then they would not be annoyed for not getting one that month.


Also apologies for my poor spelling, its 7am where I live and I've been awake for 23 hours.


No problem with the spelling so much, I've been there and awake for 20 something hours too. Well, not today but... you know what I mean. At first glance, I actually rather like that proposal. But there are a couple issues in there that I'd have to address. I don't think I could impartially just "choose 8." Because that could lead to things like favoritism or me neglecting many supporters who are paying and hoping to get an idea across. We can do it by a vote, but then people who're looking for original characters are unlikely to get theirs selected. The only fair way to do commissions on a large scale pool is to do ALL the commissions in order. There are a couple problems with this though. Because if everyone is going to get their drawing, but there's only 8 drawings a month, it could be a rather long time before someone gets their drawing done. And then another long wait until their turn comes up again. Then it gets worse when more and more people apply for that tier. Eventually a one month wait between turns becomes a 3 month wait because 20 something people joined, and you're paying each time. This problem wouldn't be so bad if there would only be a certain number of people who can take a slot. So... if we were to consider this option. Instead of unlimited ammount of supporters, we could cap it at 16. So then if you're not going to get a sketch this month, you're sure to get a sketch the following month. I had intended to raise the prices to 30 a month. But if I instead altered that tier to 15 a month, and capped it at 16, I could get more supporters while they'd essentially be asked only to pay what I was going to raise their commitment to.


I'll play fair and jump off the high tier if need be, but I do ask to know if I can get a commission the old fashion way. Rates, availability, all that jazz.