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Another one of these rough sketches. This time a bit lighter on the heels. I think should I have kept working on this, I'd have removed the shine from the helmet. In a lot of ways this could be a pretty cool and sporty design for a future Batman world but there's a bit too little character in it for this particular character.

Unrelated, so I'm getting all nervous again. It's way early but having heard about upcoming Hurricane Irma. I'm not really someone who buys too much into luck. If data shows one thing, then that's what our best instruments are telling us will happen. We don't have perfect instruments, obviously, but it's better to prepare for trouble when given the available data. I'd rather be prepared for nothing than unprepared for something.

This is very early out. But this is just the kind of stuff I think about. It fosters an existential dread in me. And I already have enough trouble dealing with that.



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