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Man, sorry this one is old but I checked and I'm pretty sure I didn't post it on the regular blog. It should be somewhere in an nsfw high res from a few months ago, sometime around when the 5th season of Samurai Jack was airing.

Short review, I liked the season!

Sure it helped that there was an attractive lady in all black and deadly assassin skills in the middle of all of it. Anyway, there was this one episode that seemed very much intentionally skirting a kinky border. In a way I rather appreciate and it took advantage of the show no longer being considered a kids show. Kids adventure shows used to always border on kinky stuff, and well... here was a kids adventure show that got to grow up a little. And I bet the creators enjoyed it too.




I wanna say March is where this is at. Also yes there was something up with a kick ass female with deadly assassin skills who was bred to be a killer than chose a different path. Then you have that one week in April where both ladies took on armies in epic fashion.