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"You're still putting your head down and doing pages every night. But the difference is, both literally and figuratively, I'm not so hungry anymore." Was a thing I actually said over barbacue dinner with friends (satellite 9, punchyninja, art knight studios, and others) at San Diego Comic Con. While I can't say I'm at the top of my game, this was what I blurted out in between bites of beef brisket in a place I used to only imagine seeing. And I'm not just talking about comic con. I'm talking about having a degree of sustenance just by drawing things for readers like you. I have more specific things to report on, but I wanted to get this down before headed out on the last day of con activities. The weather has been nice but I've got a plane to catch this evening.




Quite a table of friends you had there Psu


Hope you enjoyed your time there, and rest well!