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Okay, so I could probably type a lot of stuff in a blog style report from San Diego comic-con. I've been having a good time and met a bunch of my artist friends I'd normally have never had the chance to meet before.

As a career builder though, I'm not totally sure how this trip is stacking up. But that wasn't the main goal right now. I am getting to communicate but it's such a busy and extravagant convention that doing actual business is harder unless you're already in the professional circles.

It's crazy though. Like, I know New York Comic-Con is a massive convention. It struggles to fit it's visitors. But San Diego is just even bigger. It's unbelievable how many people are here and how many events are just around. There's an actual tent city formed last night to get into the hall for the movie presentations. I was maybe too optimistic thinking I could actually get to those. The commitment from some of these fans is utterly astounding. More power to them.

On an artisitc note, I attended a panel led by a concept designer for major motion pictures like Avatar and stuff. And even though it was going over some stuff I'd already known about, he really did a great job explaining his concept process. And then he even showed us all a couple really impressive tricks that should translate well to how I work too.

This sketch was just a quick one using some of the basic principles the concept artist passed along. I'm literally doing it on the hotel room bed. That's not as challenging as it sounds, I've got a good tablet pc for this. But I am too tired to do anything more detailed just now.

What is a little challenging, this hotel room is KINDA NOT GREAT. It basically looks like every motel room a crime has been committed in every dark movie. Ah well, it has power plugs for my computer so it's doing its job.




You seems to be having fun, i wish i had the money to go to one of those conventions. You going to share those techniques on your stream?