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I've put a considerable amount of thought into a "Chef Girl" story and what it would entail but I'm not really ready to talk about it at length as of yet. Too much of the extended story is nebulous and it's more likely than not, it's not going to happen.

I don't know enough about the world of cooking to create a story about it. It's not impossible of course. The people at Pixar when they set out to make Ratatouille didn't know much about the the restaurant world. But I don't have the sorts of resources that would help me piece together something that hasn't been done before.

Plus cooking comics are difficult. The one thing I feel like I could do really well is draw the food. But I can't quite develop the recipes needed to create a character that is a "genius" in the kitchen.

Well, regardless I started thinking about the extended cast. And these are a couple quick portraits I did of some of the characters in my head. There's nothing to them yet but if Chef Girl did become a comic, you can count on each of these guys having some sort of overly dramatic scene revealing their inner feelings.



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