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This is actually gonna be in the new sketchiebook! I probably haven't finished it yet. So you can look forward to that being put together soon.

I kinda don't like doing two archive pictures in a row but I couldn't quite resist queuing this picture up for a July 4th post after I found it for Sketchiebook 5.

Now, I don't want to flood this space with controversial thoughts. You can find those on my twitter. But suffice it to say, I have a lot of conflicted feelings about the United States. I will say this, it's the only place I can feel safe to make a living drawing pretty girls and putting them up on the internet. So I have to say I love it here. But it's sometimes a struggle for someone like me to admit that.

(for the record, the little flag on the top burger has Stephen Colbert on it.)



Philip D Jones

I love burgers. Quintessentially American. I just afraid vegans will be offended.