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I couldn't find the other image I was thinking of but while looking for it I came across this gem. It's a heck of a time capsule written right in there. Portal 2 had just come out and I had my own version of the AI cores and given them little noodly arms. I had this nice Stephanie Brown alternate costume which was based on regular clothes and stuff. I bet it wouldn't look out of place next to the 2016 "Batgirl of Burnside."

But more importantly, it's nice to remember that for a LONG time on tumblr it was just this quiet little blog for me. I would occasionally dump some art on it and it went well. Then I drew some Portal fanart and some Cassandra and Stephanie Brown fanart and my follower count blew up from like... 5 people to 500.

It's currently something stupid like 16,000. I wonder how many of those original 500 are still following. Or even still using Tumblr...



Agustin Macias

One of those 500 is me. Though, I don't use Tumblr anymore.


Hello! Though I kind of joined tumblr cause of you and others.


reminds me of the bomb at the pier scene in the adam west batman movie


Hey, it's how I ended up connecting to you from various pieces I'd seen around the net! Just glad you've been around this long and still getting up to some really fun stuff! :)