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I don't think there's a high res drawing of this in the dropbox. I wasn't even sure if I hadn't posted it already. Anyway...

 Hey everyone, I just wanted to send a new thank you. Just checking the messages and a whole lot of new people signed up in the last week.

I used to try to get personal thank you messages to my new (and leaving) patreons. But I fell off of that habit earlier this year. I'd like to message each of you sometime soon. No promises. But it was something I liked doing and I want to say hi to each of you if I can. Especially those that came back.

It was a surprise to see how many people jumped on!

I've got a lot to talk about with potential changes to the site. There's already been one with the big tier rewards. As you can see I've completely revamped them and removed specific mentions of promises to specific projects. Apart from posting sketches frequently, I haven't been able to make good on a lot of older ideas I had. Work on Cassiopeia Quinn took the fore front of business and asks a lot of me creatively. At the moment, the goals are more or less personal milestones that I hope to achieve through this Patreon. And then I can treat this more like another day job.

On the daily posts, the goal is in the future to have a way to naturally divide the NSFW posts from the SFW posts so patreons that don't like NSFW stuff can stick to a slightly cheaper tier. The ideal status is that I can't charge you more for what you're already getting. So it's not likely you'll find that the High Res Dropbox tier will cost more. This does limit some of my options to achieve the goal.

Hear me out, this is just thinking out loud for a second. And this isn't set in stone. But I'm picturing a new middle tier.

Now that it's a new month, I'll see about adjusting the tiers so that there's an optional SFW tier that will cost the same. Seeing as the current tier for seeing every sketch is a dollar, there isn't really a way to make a 50 cent tier for SFW posts. It's pretty complicated but again. I don't want to charge more than a dollar for what you're already getting daily. And I don't want to charge more than 4 for access to the high res. It's just, I think patreon can only separate feeds by cost and not by content. This is all just thinking out loud. Sorry if I'm rambling.

The third big thing I want to try to do is bring back some real way for patrons to get some input on stuff I do. I haven't figured out any thing that keeps me happy though. I was frankly pretty unhappy doing commissions. I loved the individual commissions, don't get me wrong. But the time and the effort it took away from personal sketches always felt draining by the end of the month. There is likely a better way to do it, I just haven't thought of it yet...

I'll be posting this publicly, so new visitors or followers can get a look at some of my thoughts. Even though it's 7 am and I haven't slept in quite a while...
