Golden Bonds (Patreon)
High res in the drop box, as well as some other candidates for the book/movie title.
I had a bit of fun with this. One thing I like to do, and I was just talking about this with my friend, when I can I like to consider light as a kind of a big object. It's a good opportunity to cast strong graphic shapes into an image. But it's also important to picture it as a three dimensional object in space. It has mass. I think... Does like have mass?
Light is the vibrations of mass or something... electromagnetic radiation?
Anyway, there's a lot of fun to be had with super spies, especially in a "kinky" way too. You can see where a lot of super spies and super heroes overlap in some respects. And ya know how they always talk about a damsel in distress being a thing, James Bond himself seems to get caught a LOT more than any other character I can think of. Infact it seems to be his primary source of information gathering.