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The Beautician's Parrot

A parrot was standing outside a beauty salon and every day when a certain lady passed by and the parrot would say loudly: "ACK! Good Morning WHORE!"

On the way home in the evening, it would once again greet her with: "ACK Good Evening WHORE!"

This goes on for several weeks, when finally the  woman calls the salon, speaks to the owner and describes the problem. The owner says he will be standing in the doorway around the time when this happens and will deal with the parrot.

Of course, the next day, the same thing happens, except the parrot has barely finished the greeting, "Good Morning, WHORE!" when the owner grabs it and takes it back to the Salon.

As punishment, the owner dyes all of the parrot's colorful feathers jet black. And just for giggles the he also dyes a small patch in front white. After a few hours, the parrot is back on its perch outside the store.

On the way home, the woman passes by the parrot. She notices the parrot's look of complete contempt and disgust. Yet, the parrot is totally silent. 

Incredulous, the woman decides to double back. 

Again, as she passes by the parrot, and get's nothing but a look of haughty contempt, and disgust. Not a peep is said by the parrot. 

Sensing ultimate victory, the woman confronts the parrot. "Not feeling so brave now, are you? Cat got your tongue?" she taunts the bird triumphantly.

With a look of total contempt and disdain, the parrot looks down on her and says:

"Not at all! When I'm wearing my tuxedo, I don't speak to whores!"


 Not gonna lie I copy these from other sites, but I'm hoping some of you may not have seen them and will get a much needed laugh!  



Classy bird, but you can talk to them in a suit or tuxedo. After all aren't we all just a little bit whore behind closed doors? 😄