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Yep. I've been dealing with a sinus problem for a few months so I thought whatever I was feeling was that plus my recent flu shot, but it turns out it just might be COVID because woo boy, I woke up fucked up this morning.

I say MIGHT because all I have on hand is an expired test but my mom is so kindly going to get an up-to-date test and leave it at my door for me. So, for now, I have to be alone in my room and while I do want to draw and work, I just don't feel up to it this very moment.

I'm suspecting I won't have a ton of super bad symptoms but I do expect some of the lighter symptoms to stick around for a while because that's how getting sick tends to be with me. (And last time I got COVID, I *almost* had pneumonia after.)

So, if you're waiting on a Patreon sketch from me this month, EXPECT IT TO BE LATE, and expect Solanaceae pages to be late this week too. Sorry about that and thanks for your understanding everyone.

EDIT: It *was* COVID but it wasn't nearly as bad as my first time having it and I never got a fever! We doing okay!



Rest up feel better soon. Hope its not covid


Wishing you the best dude!! ;A; Definitely take it easy!