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Last post of September! Can't believe we're already at the end! HALLOWEEN THO AAAA IT'S COMING

Thanks for your support everyone and I hope your September was ok!




I'm so proud of Sal for this moment. This is visibly incredibly hard on him - I feel like it would be justified to call him triggered in the medical sense. But he's already grounding himself and doing his best to cope and talk himself through the emotions he has. When I read this and the last page, I keep thinking about how he bolted from the kitchen he worked in for Battam. How it almost looked like a switch was flipped in his head and he briefly couldn't even comprehend any alternative to "loot and run!" It shows how important Battam is to him, but also how much he is growing personally. This time, he propped himself up against that switch and kept it in place, stubbornly refusing to give up on what he has grown so far! Just so, so proud of him!

Vi V.

I know this is serious but I can’t stop thinking about Battam running away with a hard on and no shoes? Like he GOTTA come back