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And with that! Pumpkin and Kabocha, Chapter 2 is finished! YAY!

This was a really, really indulgent comic. But I think that's just how these characters and scenario are in general, haha. It's a good thing!

Because of life circumstances, I will only have the cover for Cavemate available next week, but I should be able to get a page out each week, if all goes well. If all doesn't go well and my personal life continues to be hell, I'll have to pick it up more seriously once things clear out. But I'll be able to do regular Secret Club updates regardless!

I've also updated:

  • Portal Panic has finished! YAY! PDF will be up here within the next couple of weeks.
  • Some sketches/concepts
  • Sticker design for the Ch.2 pre-orders!
  • A set of sexy bunny boys (commission)
Thanks everyone-- the Secret Club info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more; but if you're missing it just contact me and we'll get ya on track~ ;3

Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade!

**AS A REMINDER: There's still about 4 people who are the declined status. You will know you are declined if you don't receive the updated info. You will get it once you update your info, are undeclined, and contact me! Thanks!



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