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Phew... this has been, a wild last few days. I'm still shaken up from the accident, and still dealing with a bunch of stuff each day. It's going to be a really busy and stressful month, but hopefully once all of this stuff has passed, things can go back to feeling normal...

In the meantime, I'm gonna continue to try and do my best to keep updates consistent, and to continue other plans as normal. All we can really do as humans is try to keep moving on best we can, y'know?

I will most likely be promoting my store, the book pre-orders, commissions, and general donations around social media so forgive me if seeing that stuff is not your thing. I will try to keep it at an acceptable level for this situation.

I appreciate all of you so much for being with me through this time, you are the reason I can make comics and you give me comfort every day. (I'm serious!!!)

Thank you all so so much, and I hope you are doing okay! I am going to think of something nice to make for everyone once this all rolls over.
