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Hello everyone! I'm back from SPX!

As I've mentioned on Twitter and a previous post, I didn't break even in the slightest so while I'm def in some money trouble right now (oops) I got to meet some VERY cool people and it was great to visit a state I've never been to before. A mixed bag of an experience! But truly so grateful to the people who liked my work or picked it up brand new!

I've also updated:

  • Nothing yet, I was away all last week!
  • Expect some updates late in the week, and back to the usual amount of pictures next week.
  • Thanks for your patience! October is gonna be a very image heavy month to make up for how light this month was, for sure! ;D
Thanks everyone-- the Secret Blog info should be in your message inbox here on Patreon if you've pledged $5 or more; but if you're missing it just contact me and we'll get ya on track~ ;3
Or, if you're not a Secret Club member yet and you'd like to be, here's a link to upgrade your pledge. 



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