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Uh-oh! Here comes BIG trouble.

Also hi! I'm back from SPX!

 In truth, I didn't break even at all and am gonna be in a bit of money trouble for a time-- BUT I MET SOME REALLY AMAZING FANS AND FRIENDS SO! (You know who the fuck you are *wink*) so I guess it balances out?! 

I wanna make a thread of the good stuff that happened to me at SPX sometime soon, today I'm just a bit too busy to work on it. And I'm considering making a LONG post via the Patron's club for anyone who might wanna learn from my mistakes. Not sure yet.

Posting this page and generally slipping back into working always makes me feel better-- but oof do I have a lot of irl medical and otherwise stuff going on soon! Eek!

Anyways, enough of that! I'm just glad to be back posting for all of you! Thanks a ton and see you again tomorrow!




Glad to see you're back! Also to hear you have at least some positive experiences. Good luck with getting back into routine!