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She wiggled her toes in soft white sand, admiring the sun-kissed tide advancing ashore. Its hypnotic motion induced sleep.

Strangers advanced, circling in a frantic search, awakening her to the sound of their heightened conversation.

“What’s wrong?” she grumbled.

“Lost her ring,” the man announced.

“Tucked it inside a towel before swimming,” his partner insisted.

Upon receiving no favourable news, they sped along the shoreline.

As waves recoiled into the sea, the sunbather rose to leave. A shiny object caught her attention. Grasping, holding it, she dashed. Then, stopped to look down.

The ring was no longer in her hand.



Fjordur #16

*Any re-upload of this series will be copyright striked and legal action will be sought.



Belforted , here I am sitting at work and thinking ...fuck yes I'll have something to watch for the next hour nec min the pertaining Canna film clip; dad you've disappointed me but I have to shine on and re watchanother series


Shine on shinehorn