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The woman was distraught. “I’ve lost my little girl. Put out a call, please.”
She handed me a crumpled black and white photograph.
“She only looks about five,” I said
“No, she’s nearly six now.”
Automatically, I glanced down the aisles for the child.
My supervisor smiled.
“She just let go of my hand,” she whimpered, urging me to the microphone.
“Don’t distress yourself,” I said.
“Would Colleen Barton come to Customer Service.”
“We couldn’t wait to see how old you were Mrs. Barton.” I said to the elderly lady.
‘Mum does get quite confused. After all, she is ninety-two.”



Fjordur #15

*Any re-upload of this series will be copyright striked and legal action will be sought.



apparently bases in asgard and all those other realms take 6x more damage than in the main realm. Im pretty sure if anyone finds your base they can just raid it with a few grenades because of that 6x damage shit


You two should play Sons of the Forest. Just saw some vids and it looked sick


You can tell its gonna be a good game, but so little content in it right now. I stopped playing til they get some updates in.


100% that sounded like tainted love. I was trying to tell you when you wondered aloud, but I don't think you could hear me for some reason